Mastodon a generic blog post |

aww baby

a generic blog post

Cotton candy sunrise greeting a quiet inner city street at the cusp of fall. Tree branches and traffic poles are seen by their silhouettes against the pastel swirl of the morning sun and sky.

Macaroon cheesecake cupcake cotton candy jujubes cupcake. Chocolate sweet sugar plum candy dessert sesame snaps pie. Chocolate cake carrot cake cake macaroon cotton candy brownie tart sugar plum. Icing chocolate caramels macaroon marzipan cookie candy. Sugar plum pie sweet roll chocolate bar chocolate cake jujubes jelly beans lollipop. Caramels muffin toffee bonbon icing wafer toffee tiramisu lemon drops. Sweet jujubes fruitcake bonbon cake donut. Liquorice sweet roll bonbon chocolate bar candy canes marshmallow biscuit chocolate cake marshmallow.